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Topic: Start-up Assistance
Are you contemplating the launch of your own small business but find yourself unsure of the initial steps? Don’t pass up the opportunity to join this seminar crafted to guide aspiring entrepreneurs through the essentials of starting a business! Gain valuable insights into Startup Fundamentals, Marketing and Business Planning, Licensing, Business Structures, Regulations, and beyond. By the end of this session, you’ll not only be equipped to assess the viability of your business idea but also armed with the knowledge needed to confidently propel your entrepreneurial journey forward!

Speaker(s): Ryan Devillier
Business Consultant
Louisiana Small Business Development Center


*Registration for this event is online.
**There is no fee for this event.
***You will be e-mailed the Zoom link to attend after you complete the registration.

Fee: No Cost

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*Louisiana Business Hub and Launch Network reserve the right to publish events on an individual basis. All events must be business related, non-sales with a focus on educating and benefiting the business community.